Constructing a marketing funnel for your business automates your marketing procedures and saves an ample amount of time, effort, and energy. You can save yourself from those lengthy over the call conversations and instead invest your time in mapping out a sequence of actions you can take and provide necessary information that needs to be shared at every marketing funnel stage.
This enables your intended audience to experience a hassle-free and smooth process which in turn empowers them to conveniently slide through from the awareness building stage to the conversion stage. Possessing a structured and repetitive streamlined process makes a brilliant marketing tool that persistently enhances your businesses’ growth.
In the simplest terms, a marketing funnel is the process of breaking down a customer’s journey from the awareness stage to the procurement stage. Some marketing funnels also include post-sale follow ups as well as cross and up sales that surge maintenance.
Marketing Funnel Are as Follows:
In this stage, your prospective customer performs certain activities like asks queries regarding purchase, enquires on how to include a product in their shopping cart, etc., which indicates that they intend to purchase your product or services. This stage is vital because conversion is likely to happen.
The best you can do is provide timely replies and effectively take care of any doubt occurring in your prospective customer’s mind. You can also alternatively show other similar products to them to simplify their decision making process ultimately to urge them to make a purchase.
Consumers in this stage are close to making a final decision whether to purchase a product or not. They evaluate the quality of your product, compare prices and ongoing offers and wish for hassle free payment choices. They without a doubt expect a seamless shopping experience, secure payment gateways, and trouble free refunds.
In this particular marketing funnel stage, the marketing and sales team must work closely- with sales taking full charge of persuading the customer and influencing their decision to purchase the product. Any unresolved objection that is not being attended instantly or any malfunction on the website can prevent the conversion from taking place.
This is the final stage of a marketing funnel where the potential buyer has turned into a customer. A memorable experience during the conversion leads to brand and product endorsements, product recommendations and upbeat reviews that empower your image as a brand to further stimulate your marketing funnel and imitate lead generation and conversions all over again. Your customer in this end stage wants to be reassured that they have made the right choice.
You need to furthermore boost their confidence for their purchase decision by providing relevant post sales information. Providing your customers with a smooth on-boarding process will go a long way and make them loyal to your brand in such a way that they will always find a way back to you. Failing to do so may disappoint them and will force them to share negative feedback about your company and influence their associates in their decision making process.