Saturday, February 15, 2025

Interview with Pasquale & Carolina @tuediocomenellefavole

1. What is your influencer strategy?

Answer: We have never established a real strategy, we have chosen every time what we consider most appropriate to do, from the presentation of each single product to being uniquely ourselves, with strengths and weaknesses.

2. How did you start being an influencer?

Answer: We asked ourselves if we wanted to get involved, and since in everyday life we are moved by instinct and passion, we simply followed our feelings.

3. How has your life changed since you started?

Answer: Basically nothing has changed compared to before, we have only expanded and strengthened some weak points of our life as a couple.

4. What was your biggest challenge as an influencer?

Answer: The greatest challenge is to remain ourselves, to share who we are in everyday life, without changing our character, transmitting our values without being carried away by those standard canons of exaggerated ostentation.

5. What is most important to you in partnership with a brand?

Answer: Respect is the basis of every relationship, trust goes hand in hand. We always try to satisfy all the requests of the various companies but without ever losing sight of our moral principles. And perhaps this is also why we have been collaborating with many companies for several years.

6. What is the greatest opportunity for you as an influencer?

Ans: The greatest opportunity is to grow by playing, we mean an inner growth, we have always thought it was a game and in fact we opened our profile for fun and the fact of being able to interface with many other people represents a real wealth for us.

7. Did you start between fashion, beauty, travel… How difficult is it to maintain these standards, continue to arouse the interest of your audience that follows you as well as the brands that would like to hire you?

Answer : Our luck was to be born and grow with passion and so everything becomes easier. We’ve been making some difficulties since TikTok is depopulated. We find ourselves in real difficulty with this type of social media because it doesn’t reflect our way of being, we are light years away from that Mood. For us, the main basis of our work is consistency and respect for ourselves and for others.

8. What do you think of the power an influencer has today? Not only as a purchase choice but above all ideological?

Answer: At the beginning we thought about how nice it was that social media remained a place of leisure and lightness but today we have realized how much it is changing and that in addition to offering sponsorships, it also presents us with other ways of living and thinking even with messages politicians who can influence public opinion.

9. Some influencers represent a real point of reference for people, while others seem to be the rotten part of this job ready to do anything. What is the main reason in your opinion?

Answer: We believe that there have been some people with a large following who have made enormous slips and made everyone suspect a little in general, but the important thing for us is to remain ourselves without selling out and not being willing to do anything to appear because getting burned is a moment.

10. Three tips to give to those who want to take the same path as you.

Answer: the first piece of advice is that they must get out of their heads that there are quick and easy earnings. The second is that they must have respect for themselves and for others because this is the only way that always pays off in the long run. Third and last advice is to know well what you are doing and where you want to go, always be informed and keep up with the times.

We are Carolina and Pasquale, a couple on Instagram and a couple in real life. We’ve been married for almost 20 years and despite the biological clock inexorably ticking away the hours, we always feel like eternal boys, ready to get involved without paying too much attention to the consequences and without taking ourselves too seriously. And that’s exactly why our Instagram profile was born, for fun! A game yes but with solid foundations, consistency, respect for ourselves and for others. And even if there is an argument behind every photo, the most important and most beautiful thing is always to make peace.


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