Remember the first time you joined a new company and started the on boarding process? The time spent in HR seemed interminable. E-learning and solutions training was assigned to cover the fundamentals, such as equal opportunity, workplace culture, and so on. Perhaps you were given a uniform. Someone from your new department or team came to greet you and show you around the facilities, including where to sign in or out, the break room, and the restrooms. Keep reading the blog to learn more.
Some of you were assigned new hire training for your work role. You went straight to your work centre after training and started growing. After thirty days, you wondered if that was the end of the training.
Critical for Employees to get Solutions Training
You are not alone if you have found yourself in any of these scenarios. I have personally experienced several, but fortunately, I was a member of multiple groups that believed in career trajectories. For example, the United States Navy (and other military branches) has career paths that outline what you need to do to advance to the next rank.
Taking a closer look, the military has learning routes in place that will lead you on a learning trip to become qualified to execute various jobs or positions, such as utilising certain equipment, managing an operation, standing a watch, making reports, and so on. For more than two decades, this technique enabled me to flourish in the service.
When I joined Siemens, the learning journeys were still in place, but not as extensive as in the military, so investigating the turnover rate was a top focus for me. Certain professional types, such as fire technicians, showed a higher turnover rate than building automation technicians due to a lack of a meaningful career and development path. Why?
Building automation technicians had a more established professional path that included a learning matrix that provided a clearer image.
In my current position, the career path is not as well established, and there is no learning path in writing, which may be considered as a big contributor to the high turnover rate across all areas of business. Currently, I am investigating what is in place so that, with the help of key stakeholders, I can offer a learning route for all job roles. But how exactly does one go about doing so?
Important Pointer about Learning Path
1. Task Analysis: A task analysis describes which tasks are required for each job role. For example, if I work as a cargo warehouse agent, my tasks would include: proper PPE gear, lifting techniques, understanding how to read shipping labels and marks, a shipping manifest, and so on.
Those tasks could be further subdivided to highlight the learning path required to complete the job. If there is no task analysis, one should be produced by the training department and subject matter experts (SMEs) in the operation.
2. Job Assessment: Job assessments are essential for determining what the problem(s) is/are inside the operation. Is there a skills gap? Is it a lack of knowledge? Is it possible that there is a process flaw?training programme, implying that there is most likely a skills and knowledge gap.
Other instances, when the system is altered, Often, an assessment will reveal that some tasks are not covered by the training programme, implying that there is a skills and knowledge gap. Other times, when changes are made to the systems or procedures, we discover a gap in one of those areas.
System gaps are frequently overlooked because it is expected that staff would learn with their colleagues, or that the prior system is comparable enough to not present a problem, but does so over time.
3. Observations: Pay attention to what the personnel are doing on the job. Compare their actions to the standard operating procedures and make note of any differences or blunders. After completing observations of the same operation, a comparison to the training materials is required to identify holes in the curriculum.
After completing these few steps, you may create a learning path matrices that are shared with each employee in order to provide a road to the next positioned level within the organisation.
To make this process run longer, a Program Performance Path (PPP) sheet/contract can assist align the employee and the business by showing the individual a path that they agree with and can work towards, while the organisation gains increased production and a lower turnover rate.
Final Thoughts
Another blog will be prepared to go into greater detail on the personal professional development. I hope you will look at learning routes and task analysis in your company. It could be the path to long-term success you’ve been looking for but haven’t been able to find.