Anuj Sheoran, is a simple boy who belongs from Bhiwani , while current city Gurgaon Haryana. But,his ambitons,his strugglesΒ to achieve his dreams are something which sets him apart.He devoted himself fully towards his goals and today,he influences people in a positive manner through his pages over social media via his pages which are tru_feelings and and as a social media influencer ,he realizes that he has the responsibility of influencing people especially youth who are constantly active in social media and like a responsible person he is,he never fails to make sure that his power as a social media influencer is never misused.But this name,this respect which he gets today is something which he earned and his journey till the current phase of his life wasn’t easy.
Coming from a middle class family has its own struggles like sacrificing a lot of things which one wants because one doesn’t have the privilege to spend money on whatever they want because struggles of a middle class person can teach you that wants and needs can be two different things. So money wasn’t something he could spend without being judicious about it.Even he got his first phone after saving every penny he had at that time.
When he wanted to start his Facebook page during his 10th standard,instead of supporting him, his friends started demotivating him and it was a bit disappointing for him. But that didn’t stop him from doing whatever he had to do inorder to suceed and the results can be seen as today he has base over millions of audiences in both social media that is Facebook and Instagram, and that bad phase of his showed him the actual faces of true people and now he has some honest friend like Azeem Ahmed who motivate him and support him whenever situations aren’t in favor. Anuj saysΒ that”Don’t tell people their plan,show them their results” and this is something worth learning fromΒ Anuj’s statement.
Today with his confidence, dedication and will to achieve his dreams, he has palns to run a social media company as well as he wantsΒ to be the ace of e-commerce business and his hardwork will be the reason of his dreams coming true.
Awesome work bro
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