Monday, March 10, 2025

The 11 rules for recruiting new subscribers on Instagram

Instagram is a social network that was created in October 2010. Acquired by Facebook in 2012, this social network for sharing photos and images now has 800 million active users, or 40 billion photos shared since its creation.

Since March 2016, images published on this social network no longer appear to its users chronologically but according to an algorithm. From now on, users will only shown photos likely to interest them.

This new operation impacts the visibility of many accounts and requires strategies to be implemented to increase its visibility and, mainly, its number of subscribers. I share with you 11 rules to follow to recruit new subscribers on Instagram.

1) Take care of your profile

This is the first step that should be addressed. Put a photo of yourself or your logo in the center of the reserved space. Fill out the biography field carefully.

Describe, in a few words, who you are and what you will share on your account, activity, and interests. You can insert a few emojis to energize the whole thing, but sparingly. If you have a website or blog, you can insert a link to it. This is the only place on Instagram where a clickable link can be put, so think about it!

2) Implement a content strategy

You must have identified your target and their expectations and offer them content that corresponds to them.

Your visuals must be of good quality and accompanied by a short description. The idea is that your images tell a story and have a central theme (fashion, travel, finances, personal development, blogging, etc.) between all the photos on your account.

If you have posted photos you now dislike because they are not of good quality, or they do not correspond or no longer, correspond to the image you want to give to your account, do not hesitate to post them DELETE. Clean up your publications to start from scratch and create a more aesthetic universe that suits you and will please future subscribers.

3) Use the right Hashtags

It is best to use 9-10 hashtags maximum. And even if the network allows you to add many more, I advise you to limit yourself to 9 hashtags per photo and to choose them carefully. Describe the place, the country, the atmosphere, and the main element of your image.

You can use the most popular hashtags in your theme and the most used on Instagram, such as #PhotoOfTheDay, #Instagood, #Happy, #Love, #cute, #Beautiful, etc.

If you are looking for a typically French-speaking audience, include hashtags in French.

Most importantly, you don’t get lost in hashtags that have nothing to do with your photo, and stay focused on the content you’re sharing and your target audience.

4) Use geolocation

You can indicate your location when you publish a new photo or image. Pay attention to this feature. This can help you anchor your account to a local area.

Depending on the activity you offer, this can make a big difference and bring you visibility to subscribers near you or interested in this location.

5) Post regularly

This means you can post ten times, or even three times, per day. You can post just once daily, but you must stick to it.

Choose a time slot, usually in the morning before 9 a.m. or in the afternoon from 5 p.m. Experiment for a few days to determine when your images will most likely generate engagement.

Soon – who knows – we will be lucky enough to have this excellent analysis feature for the best posting time on Instagram, as Swello already offers for Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.

Once you have chosen the day and time, stick to it. This will become a regular occurrence with your subscribers that they will appreciate.

6) Comment on accounts with the same theme as you

Being on Instagram doesn’t just mean sharing your photos and images. You must also get to know the accounts in your theme or close to it. It is with them that you will find future subscribers. It is, therefore, essential for you to leave a comment that is sufficiently relevant and personalized so that the owner of the account or his subscribers wants to know more about you and your world.

There is no need to like all your photos and spam with your comments. Remember: you should only respond to messages in your niche. For example, if you are in the weight loss niche, only respond to messages in that particular niche to maximize results.

7) Like photos with the same hashtags as you

This ties in with the tip about accounts similar to yours. Type, in the “search” field of the application, a hashtag that most represents your brand or product. Go like all the photos that use it.

The author of the liked photo may come and take a look at your account. You can get by with 30 to 40 Instagram photos per day. However, it would help if you focused on users who are in your niche. Although this may seem like a broad strategy, it will help you get followers for your Instagram account.

8) Follow accounts in your theme

Subscribe to the accounts of 5-10 Instagram users with a similar theme to yours every day. Although this technique may seem outdated, it will encourage other users to follow you.

9) Track your competitors’ followers

This technique must be done judiciously while avoiding falling into spam. All you need to do is target the most popular accounts related to your theme and follow their subscribers: those who are active and regularly like their publications. Your articles being similar, they will undoubtedly want to discover your content.

10) Delete accounts that don’t follow you

If, after a week, you notice that among the accounts you follow – from tip number 8! – still don’t follow you back, unsubscribe. Also, remove your competitors’ Instagram users who don’t follow you.

Why is this important? Because you want to favor interactivity, feedback, exchange, etc.… However, it takes at least two people to love each other!

Of course, if you subscribe to certain accounts because you like their content, but they don’t follow you, you don’t have to unsubscribe. You can continue to follow their publications by choice and not by strategy.

11) Promote your Instagram account on your other social networks

This rule seems so logical to put in place… Yet how many people apply it? To get started, add a link to your Instagram account in the description of your funds (Twitter, Facebook, etc.).

Don’t hesitate to share it on your other networks by inviting subscribers to follow you on Instagram. Specify that you are sharing more photos or other additional content there. Your subscribers must discover a range that complements what they already find on your other social networks.



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