Sunday, September 15, 2024

Science vs Commerce: Everything You Need to Make a Decision

Hey, let me tell you about one of the most talked-about comparisons, i.e. Science vs Commerce. Everyone needs to figure out which is better, Science or Commerce after 10th. Don’t worry, here I’ll share with you all the information that you are searching for.

But before that, let me share a short story with you. I’ve studied in one of the best English medium schools in Jaipur and was a bright student. So, my elders wanted me to choose Science. But, I’m not sure about it and had a conversation with my class teacher. There she told me some of the factors that helped me in choosing between Science vs Commerce.

Know Yourself

Science vs Commerce is a vague question and very subjective also. If you want to know which is better: Science or Commerce, you first need to know yourself. Yes, the answer will depend on you. You need to know your areas of interest, what you like, what you don’t like, etc. This will help in choosing between Science vs Commerce. For example, if you’re interested in business or marketing, then for you, Commerce is better than Science and vice versa.

Science vs Commerce: Subjects

Now, this is the major and foremost comparison that we do between Science vs Commerce. Students generally choose the streams based on the subjects available in each of them. To know which one to choose from, you should know about the topics involved. For example, many students don’t like chemistry or physics, so they’ll choose Commerce. To learn about the subjects, you can check the books and see if you’re interested in them or not. Another way here is to have a conversation with seniors and teachers. They will tell you the practical things that no blog will tell you, even when trying our best. Scroll down and know about the subjects involved

Subjects in Science:

Physics = It includes topics related to mechanics, sounds, electricity, etc.

Chemistry = Here, you are studying matter and its composition.

Biology = In this subject, you’ll be learning everything about organisms.

Subjects in Commerce:

Accounts = In this subject, you will be learning about the accounting principles applied in the real world.

Business Studies = Here, you’ll learn about concepts related to business and management.

Economics = Here, you’ll learn about the economy and micro and macro-level concepts.

If you want to know which is better, Science or Commerce after 10th, you need to know these subjects. This can make your confusion clear and you might even decide on this stage only.

Science vs Commerce: Courses

Taking the comparison between Science vs Commerce further, let me tell you the different courses you can do in each stream.

Courses in Science

If you choose Science, then there are so many courses from which you can choose. Also, there is an added advantage you’ll get. Even after studying Science in your school times, you can choose certain courses related to Commerce.


BTech Biotechnology

BSc Food Technology

BSc in Agricultural Science B.Sc. in Computer Science BSc in Electronics Biochemistry Physiotherapy

Courses in Commerce

There are numerous course options that you can pursue. These courses are diversified and pave the way for many opportunities. Let me tell you some of the popular classes that students choose to do after completing 12th.


Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) Management Studies

Banking Accounting Investment Banking

Chartered Accountant Company Secretary Finance

Bachelor of Hotel Management

Science vs Commerce: Career

Another way to know which is better between Science or Commerce is through the career options. Many students choose the streams based on their career preferences. In this section of Science vs Commerce, you will know the different career options each stream has.

Career Options After 12th Science

After taking Science as a stream, the most popular career options are engineering and medicine. But, you don’t have to limit yourself with them only. Most picked career options after 12th Science is:

Nursing Robotics

Information Technology Biotechnology


Data Scientist Pharmacology

Career Options after 12th Commerce

Like the science stream, most students’ first career preference in Commerce is CA or CS. If you pursue commerce, then also you have so many career options open. Popular career options after 12th Commerce are:

Hotel Management Business Analyst Corporate Communication Financial Manager Investment Banker Business Development Entrepreneur

The Reality Check

After knowing so many things about Science vs Commerce, I have a question for you. Tell me, Science vs Commerce: which has more scope? Now, don’t fall into this trap of comparing which is a better stream. As mentioned above, the stream selection should be based on your personal preferences, nature, and likes or dislikes. As written in the previous line, I favor the comparison of Science vs Commerce, if done for yourself and not for society in general.



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