Sunday, February 9, 2025

Top 10 Tips Every Webinar Presenter Should Know

Whether you are a seasoned webinar presenter or stepping into the virtual spotlight for the first time, mastering the art of delivering compelling and effective webinars after choosing the best webinar platform is essential. In this guide, we will uncover a set of invaluable tips that every webinar presenter should know. These insights will empower you to captivate your audience, maintain their attention, and deliver a seamless and memorable webinar experience. Let’s delve into the world of virtual presentations, where preparation meets passion, and elevate your webinar presence to new heights.

1. Be Passionate & Energetic 

32% of attendees say they feel more engaged when a webinar host is enthusiastic and energetic, so encourage your webinar presenters to show off their personality. them during the presentation. 

How do you do it? Well, you can start by acting natural and chatting more. Remember that webinar scripts are written to be spoken aloud, so make sure they sound natural. You can do this by writing short, bulleted scripts and reading them aloud, so you don’t feel like you’re putting words in someone else’s mouth. Bringing energy to your webinar presentation will also help increase audience engagement and prevent dropouts. Attendees would rather spend an hour listening to an industry expert passionate about what they are saying, than a monotonous robot reading straight from a script.   

2. Share Personal Experiences 

Webinar presenters are selected based on their actual experience in the chosen topic, so if you are presenting a webinar you should try to share some of your personal experiences. alone with the audience. 

For example, you might want to share how you’ve applied the theory you’re discussing at work and the results that theory has produced. This is information that attendees can’t just learn from textbooks or blog posts, which will lead to increased engagement, as it will likely ask questions from the audience. Just make sure your stories don’t get too far off course, or if they do, try to contain them whenever you can.  

3. Encourage Audience Engagement 

Your audience is judging you and your message from the first minute, so it’s important that you capture your audience’s attention within the first 60 seconds and drive engagement to ensure That interaction takes place continuously. 

If you’re hosting a webinar of 30 minutes or more, you need to make the most of every second to engage your audience. You can do this using a variety of interactive features, such as live polls, live chat, and live Q&A at the end so your audience can interact with you. in real time. This two-way interaction will help break down barriers between audience and presenters, increase listening time, and improve attendee satisfaction.  

4. Meet Audience Expectations 

Meeting your audience’s expectations or serving user intent is critical to the success of your webinar. You want your audience to leave your webinar feeling as if they’ve made good use of 30-60 minutes of their life – taking away new knowledge, solutions, or inspiration. 

You want to make sure you keep your promises, e.g. If in your webinar promotion you assured your registrants that you would walk them through how to create a workflow through your webinar. step-by-step email, make sure to deliver. 

Gathering feedback is a great way to ensure that you’ve delivered a webinar that is satisfying and meets your attendees’ expectations.  

5. Look At The Camera While Presenting Your Webinar 

Webinar presenters should look at their camera, not the screen, as this can help create a more personal and attention-grabbing experience for the audience. 

Looking at your camera can help create the illusion that you’re looking directly at your attendees, which can help create a sense of connection and can help make your presentation more engaging. 

Looking at your camera can help reduce the temptation to read directly from your slides, which can make your presentation more lively and interactive.  

6. Keep Calm, Cool and Collected

Plan for the worst and hope for the best. If you lost your internet connection or your phone was cut off, what would you do? 

Making a plan A, B, and C before the presentation will make any potential problems immediately less stressful. Always carry a printout or local copy of your slides so you can continue presenting if you have problems with your internet connection. 

Remember that moderators or other presenters can forward your slides while you reconnect, and if you lose your phone connection, your moderator can come back online and notify you. inform the audience.  

7. Present to a Global Audience 

“Good afternoon” may be an appropriate greeting where you are in the world, but it may not be for your global audience. Speak the language of your target audience and adjust your opening and closing sentences to reflect time zone differences when presenting, i.e. keep your introduction open. 

An example of an open-ended introduction would include a greeting, such as “welcome” or “hello all, thanks for joining”. This way, you won’t alienate your audience by greeting only a handful of attendees, and everyone will be happy.  

8. Be punctual 

Make sure you arrive on time so you can start on time without keeping your audience waiting. 

Always log in to your webinar platform at least 15 minutes before your scheduled start time to ensure that everything is working properly, such as your microphone, internet connection, and webcam. This is especially important if you have international attendees connecting from a different time zone and only have a short amount of time to attend your live webinar. 

Also, be sure to stick to the time limit. If you’ve announced that your live webinar will be 60 minutes long, try to meet that deadline instead of exceeding it. However, if you inevitably have to work overtime, just make sure to let your audience know, in case they have to leave and want to ask a quick question before leaving.  

9. Think Outside the Box 

Capture your audience’s attention in an engaging way throughout your presentation and think creatively. Whether showing a video of your presentation at a conference or an article as a way to introduce yourself to attendees, there are no rules when it comes to presenting. 

Depending on your webinar platform, you can mix things up using screen sharing or webcam during your presentation, as another creative way to increase engagement. However, keep in mind that you lock the door if you decide to turn on the webcam.  

10. Check Your Lighting and Background 

Test your lighting and background! This can help create a professional and visually appealing environment for your webinar. 

If the lighting is too bright or too dim, it may be difficult for attendees to see you and you may end up looking like a ghost or an anonymous presenter.

Additionally, if your background is cluttered or distracting, it may be difficult for attendees to focus on the content. Take time before your webinar to find the best lighting for you (or invest in a ring light) and a space where your background isn’t distracting. Minimum effort for maximum impact.


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