Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How to fix QuickBooks bank feeds error OLSU 1024 or OLSU 1022?

Looking for the ways to eliminate the QuickBooks bank feed error OLSU 1024 or OLSU 1022? Well, if that is the case, then your search ends right here. These bank feed errors are often seen with a warning message that states β€œAn error occurred when updating the branding files! Please restart the online banking setup wizard to initiate the update process again.” Such sort of issue can often be seen when the financial institution directory is not updated to include the bank information or it is not stored in the recommended location. To learn further about this issue, make sure to read this post till the end, or you can also contact our tech support team at 1-888-351-0999 and we will provide you with immediate support services.

What factors cause QuickBooks bank feeds error?

You can come across this particular error due to the below factors:

  • One of the basic triggers for this issue can be if the internet connection isn’t working properly
  • Another trigger ca be if the error occurs with one or more accounts in the company file
  • If there is an issue with the download or import format
  • Any sort of issues with the financial institutions can trigger these errors in QuickBooks
  • If one or more company files are having issues
  • One might also experience this issue if he/she is making use of discontinued version of QuickBooks

Steps to rectify the QuickBooks bank feed error

You can try performing the steps related to clean installation of QuickBooks:

  • The user needs to first uninstall the QuickBooks software
  • After that, the user needs to display the hidden files
  • And then, open the windows start menu and spot the file explorer and open the same
  • You now need to open the folder having the company file
  • Find the file at any of the below locations:
    • C:\ProgramData\Intuit\QuickBooks (year)
  • After that, right click the folder and select the rename option
  • Add the word OLS to the folder name and towards the end reinstall QuickBooks software

By the end of this post, we hope that the information shared in above might be of some help in eliminating the error code successfully. However, if there is any query or if the user requires our assistance at any point in time, then in that case contacting our QuickBooks Online support team at 1-888-351-0999 is recommended. We are a team of certified QuickBooks professionals who work round the clock in providing immediate support services.


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